Aims and Objectives

The Victorian Centres Against Sexual Assault Forum is committed to developing and implementing strategies which will:

  • ensure victim/survivors of sexual assault have access to services which are responsive and appropriate to their needs, empowering the service users to make informed choices.
  • ensure provision of accessible, sensitive, confidential and culturally and developmentally appropriate quality services.
  • ensure that the education and training of health workers, legal personnel and allied professionals reflects an understanding of and a sensitivity to the needs and concerns of victim/survivors of sexual assault.
  • work to prevent women, children and men becoming victims of sexual assault, through community and professional education, public awareness strategies and media.
  • ensure that government policy and the practices of government bodies are relevant and responsive to the needs of victim/survivors of sexual assault.
  • advocate for reforms to the legal system, policing procedures and judicial matters which impinge on the rights of victim/survivors of sexual assault.
  • participate in regional, state and national planning processes that have an impact on services for women, children and men.
  • advocate for the adequate resourcing of CASAs across the state.
  • participate in or facilitate research about sexual assault of women, children and men to enhance society's understanding of the sexual assault area.
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